Annie Lane - Dylan Marie-Dosch
The Killer - Danny Gilbert
Director - Codie Crowley
Director of Photography - Luis Hernandez


They think they killed a girl.
They only made a monster.

Annie Lane was murdered, but that won’t slow her down. The mountain her body was dumped on is legendary for raising the dead—so after waking up in the same frigid water that hides her corpse, Annie surges into her backwoods hometown hellbent on revenge.

The problem is, Annie can’t remember who killed her—and the list of people who might have wanted to isn’t exactly short. There’s her toxic mom, who spends her rare sober moments ripping Annie a new one. There’s her boss at the diner, who’s always been a little too friendly. And there’s her cheating ex and his creepy bandmates, who are just shit-brained enough to think they could get away with it.

All she has to go on are tequila-fogged memories and a bloodstained leather jacket, but Annie won’t stop until she gets what she came for. Someone knows the truth. Someone is to blame. Someone has to pay for what happened to Annie Lane.

Read the first chapter here!

Assistant Director - Courtney Brooke Hall
Sound Design - Mike Drozd
Titles - Klaudia Kogut
Editing - Luis Hernandez
Score - Karl Casey